Maggie Beer Project

What is Maggie Beer’s Big Mission about?
In a nutshell, Maggie Beer’s Big Mission documents a multi-dimensional project that occurred at the Dr Mary Surveyor Centre, Kingsley in 2023. The project centred on improving the food and the dining experience in aged care, but also examined how the care model and physical environment could be enhanced.
While aged care providers have examined and addressed some of these aspects in recent years, this project was different as it would not only attempt all those aspects simultaneously, but the resident and staff outcomes were to be measured as part of a research project by University of Tasmania.
Why did Meath Care want to be involved in the programme?
In late 2022, we learned that a social impact programme centred around an aged care project and involving Maggie Beer was being planned by Artemis Media, a local production company, and was being submitted for commissioning by the ABC.
We entered discussions with Artemis Media and discovered more about the proposed project that was going to be filmed. What we found out was that there were several aspects that aligned with our internal strategy and processes at that time.
For example, we had recently created a workforce strategy which had implemented of a holistic care partnership model; the project would progress this further. Similarly, we had commenced buffet breakfasts at the Centre, but this was at a limited level and the project would broaden this immensely. Food was also a high priority to us and at that time we were aiming to improve the catering at our Michael Lee Centre in Como by recommencing our internal catering service.
We also identified that the project was important from an external perspective. There had been significant recent upheaval in aged care including a Royal Commission, a pandemic, and an evolving reform environment. We felt that the project would be a great opportunity to portray aged care through a positive lens, especially given the involvement of Maggie Beer.
As a past Senior Australian of the Year, we knew Maggie’s participation in this project would provide a very high platform from which to convey a positive message. Maggie could change perceptions of aged care given that she can engage a section of the public who may not have a current understanding of aged care in Australia; a section of the public whose beliefs may have been formed from previous negative media stories or direct experiences from many years ago.
Ultimately, we understood that there was a risk being involved in the project – it might not be a success, it might miss the mark as a positive aged care portrayal. We also knew that no individual could address all the issues in aged care alone: not Maggie, not her consultants, not Meath Care.
But we had recognised that rather than being passive and waiting for someone else to provide the better outcomes, we could be involved actively and do something positive within a project that is trying to find part of a solution for everyone who has a connection with aged care in Australia.
Episode 1
Aired Tuesday 9th July
ABC TV and ABC iView
Episode 2
Aired Tuesday 16th July
ABC TV and ABC iView
Episode 3
Aired Tuesday 23rd July
ABC TV and ABC iView
Where We Are Now …
All Images Copyright Artemis Media Pty Ltd 2024