Tag: homes
We sat down with Michael Lee Centre, Occupation Therapist, Wey Chan this week to talk about her role at Meath Care and why she chose to work in aged care.Wey explained that occupational therapy in aged care is all about helping individuals with reduced abilities to carry out the important, meaningful, everyday activities that we take for granted.The term “occupation” in occupational therapy refers to the things people do to occupy their time. This includes essential activities li... Read More
We are doing all that we can as an organisation to keep our residents safe from a worse than normal flu season. 7NEWS Perth came in today to see how the aged care industry is managing 19/06/19.Read More
Our Michael Lee Centre is now open for resident's in Como ~ 7 NEWS Perth popped in for a visit and got to meet some of our wonderful residents. 01/06/19Read More
Inter-generational playgroups are aimed at promoting social interaction, learning and social inclusion.They’ve been found to increase happiness, dignity and self-esteem in older participants as well as an active participation and sense of social connection within the community.Older people are fascinated by the energy and excitement of the children who in turn, love having a captive audience.When they come together in play, magic happens. Play is such an important part of... Read More